Shop : Survey

I am planning to start a shop with special lego technic product including building instructions and mocs. In order to know more about your needs and your expectations, please answer to this survey : LEGO Survey – done in 3 min


Some example :
-Downloaded PDF building instructions
-Printed and delivered building instructions
-Complete package of moc including parts and building instructions.

Thank you !

See the results :

(5) Comments

    I couldn’t follow the link for the survey.
    Could you please check to see if it could be fixed 🙂

    I’d be glad to fill it in!

    I would definitely buy models, probably without the PF elements, and paper instructions would be nice. I started the survey, but Google doesn’t translate very well…

    Yes It would be interesting but there are many difficulty before lunch the product : part, delivery, copyrigh with lego, etc. As soon as I have the final result of the survey, I may launch the shop (maybe with all product including the moc).

    i think that it is interesting that you would want to sell your models, i remember crowkillers did something similar.
    i would happily buy a model created buy you, depending on the price.

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