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Nissan Skyline KDR30 Super Silhouette

10,00  -Excl. Tax

Gran Turismo’s Fans here ? This is the Nissan Skyline KDR30 Super Silhouette in LEGO Technic, buildable in two versions : motorized or manual. With rear wheel drive, steering with working steering wheel, detailed working L4 engine, openable and removable elements. Packed in this widebody monster look with custom stickers and 3D printed wheel covers.

SKU: KDR_30 Category:

Video Presentation



  • Nissan Skyline KDR30 RS Turbo Super Silhouette (1982) in LEGO Technic
  • Dimensions : 34.5 x 15.5 x 10cm, Scale : 1/13.5, Wheels : Ø43/49mm, Weight : 975gr (motorized version)
  • Rear wheel drive with differential (gearing : 16/8/16, 20/12, 20/28 diff)
  • Detailed and detachable LZ20B Turbo, working 4-piston engine
  • Steering with rack and pinion with working steering wheel (both version)
  • Detachable Hand of god on the roof for the manual version
  • Removable hood in one piece
  • Removable trunk, to access the Buwizz Battery Box
  • Openable doors
  • With custom sticker and 3D printed wheel cover
  • Available in two versions : Motorized (L motor+Servo Motor+BuWizz) or Manual (both in one purchase on this shop)
  • Both models are upgradable, you can build the manual version, then add motors, or build the motorized one, and remove the motors to add the Hand of God assembly

If you are interested by the Design Process behind, have a look of the Design Secrets Video, where I explain how I built it [Youtube, english spoken, 15min]

Car History

Some words about the original car : The Nissan KDR30 Super Silhouette was based on the R30 Skyline with its particular black / red tone. Equipped with LZ20B Turbo charged with 570 hp, it complied with the Super Silhouette Group 5 Rules, which stated the racing car must not modify the bonnet, roof, rails panels and doors, to keep the “Silhouette” intact. Of course, Japan engineer modified the rest and gave its particular wide body monster look. The Japan silhouette Series started in 1979 till 1983 with this Skyline, but also the Silvia and Bluebird from Nissan, as well as cars from other manufacturer like Toyota, Mazda, or BMW. Its race debut was in May 1982 and it did extremely well, chalking up 2 wins in 1982 and 5 wins in 1983 with the Hasemi team.


How to build ?

You only need the parts and the instructions, the wheel covers and stickers are not mandatory.

📕 You can purchase the PDF instructions on this shop (both version included : Manual and Motorized) and build with your own parts. You will need an additional 1x BuWizz 2.0 and a compatible smartphone, or generic 1x PFS 2.4ghz Battery Emitter and Receiver Like Cada (JV1010/31 & JV8011 for instance).

🧩 Partlist available on Rebrickable or in the instructions preview below. The rare rear tires (49.6 x 28) can be replaced by narrower versions (49.6 x 20) without modification. If you do not use the 3D printed wheel cover, you can replace the rim by Pearl Gold version if you prefer the look.

🎁 You can also purchase the complete package including genuine LEGO parts plus PDF instructions, with stickers and wheel covers (to be painted), on Buildamoc shop in two versions : manual or motorized.

🔰 The stickers sheet can be purchased separately on Ultimate Collector Sticker (UK). The PDF sticker guide is supplied with all purchase, use a pair or tweezers to apply them.

🧰 The 3D printed wheel covers can be purchased separately on GtCreaCars (France). You will need to paint it in the color you want (gold on my creation). Attention : front and rear are different, and have a corresponding hole to match the shape inside the original rim. These are fragile items, handle with care, push/pull only on the center of the wheel cover, never on the side (use a LEGO axle for that).

🧩Special thanks to Alpine Bricks Store (Austria) for providing the Additional LEGO Parts. They have large stock, fair price, no handling fees and fast shipping. If you are looking for LEGO Parts, check their store.


About this product

Instructions preview

Bill of material for the Motorized and Manual version at the end of the gallery. Comparison between the Motorized and Manual at the end.

Additional information

Model Size

34.5 x 15.5 x 10cm, Scale : 1/13.5


Black, Red


All, Car


Yes (with drive), In Option, No

Building Difficulty


Piece Count

Manual : 1288 parts
Motorized : 1270 parts

Bill Of Material

See rebrickable links

Purchased File

PDF Building Instructions (Manual) (167 pages / 134 mo)
PDF Building Instructions (Motorized) (166 pages / 133 mo)
PDF Sticker Guide (10 page / 3 mo)
Buwizz Control Profile (ZIP / 40 ko)
PDF Tutorial for Buwizz (12 pages / 9 mo)