A fully mechanical bilateral letter scale, made in LEGO Technic, with dials from 0 to 175gr, perfect for antique objects enthusiasts or to decorate a desk. Instructions and Complete Kits available.
New Instructions for the Cardan Lift
A LEGO Technic Great Ball Contraption Module, features a cardan gear lifting mechanism with stepped input tray, now with PDF instructions.
42180 Model B – Space Garbage Truck
An alternate model of the LEGO Technic Set 42180 – Mars Crew Exploration Rover. Features, front loaded grabber, rear bin with tailgate and winch operated sliding blade, two steering axles plus a central sliding one to operate with a minimum turning radius, with details and accessories.
Switchless Pneumatic Engine
A simple LEGO Technic Pneumatic Switchless Engine with one cylinder, custom valves, no set up and building instructions.
1/8 Car Trailer
A LEGO Technic tandem axle trailer to transport 1/8 cars (Bugatti 42083, Porsche 42056 or any other 1/8 Supercar). With storable ramps with locking mechanism, manual jack, adjustable towball height, openable and removable box. Available in three versions.
Switchless Pneumatic Machine
A LEGO Technic Pneumatic Switchless Machine with adjustable timing, working throttle, with idle mechanism, and openable controls panel.