Lego Under X-Ray #5 – Fake vs Genuine Lego 02/11/2019 08/02/2024 Some months ago, I have bought a fake Lego set, I wanted to x-ray it to see the quality of parts. Here is the result….
Lego Under X-Ray #4 – Air bubbles in Lego ? 01/05/2018 08/02/2024 We have seen on the Lego Excavator an interesting thing about lego axles. In this episode, we will look in depth on this subject : the air bubbles in lego….
Lego Under X-ray #3 – 3D Scan Excavator #42006 28/12/2017 08/02/2024 The third episode of the Lego under X ray, about this time the 3D scan of the #42006 Excavator….
Lego Under X-ray #2 – Wind Up Motor 22/10/2017 08/02/2024 The second Video Lego under X-ray, about the small wind up motor #42073….
Lego Under X-ray #1 – Servo Motor 12/09/2017 08/02/2024 Here is the first article of a serie about lego under X-ray, today we have a look to the lego servo-motor….